Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sabotage....why do I do it to myself?!

Every now and then self-sabotage sets in and I loose all focus.  This is one of those weeks πŸ˜•

The initial intentions were good, meal planning, food shopping for what I'd planned (nothing extra added to the trolley) and writing down the daily food intake.  So where did I go wrong?

A number of reasons for why I'm drawing a line already under this week.
- not making the meals I'd planned
- not drinking enough water
- not walking/exercising enough
- eating naughty things, mainly ruddy crisps **hangs head in shame**

But I know where I've gone and I AM going to rectify the damage.  The first is complete, I've admitted my mistakes, the second step is getting back on plan.  I have 2 days of clean eating to help.  Extra Easy SP days are being followed.  I won't be upset if it'll be a gain on Thursday at group, I'll be focused to change it around.

I can do this, the last 9 weeks are proof of that!  Not one single gain or maintain over that 9 week period.

Come on Meli, that bridesmaid dress is calling πŸ˜„

M x

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