Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Battle Plan

So, I have reached my interim goal of 3 stone lighter for my friends wedding.....what can I set next?!  I know, it's my 30th birthday in March, I WANT my target for then!

I've never wanted it as badly as I do now that I've got my mind set.  To achieve my target I have devised a strategy.......


I set my PAT with my Slimming World consultant the other week and have worked out how many lbs I need to loose each week.  I've drawn up a sheet to document my weight loss and set myself some rules.  One being join the gym, which I did last Thursday.

The anxiety of joining a gym when you're a big girl is awful, toying with the idea for ages, I finally bit the bullet and do you know what, it's not as bad as I thought.  My friend is a fitness instructor there and she has set me off on a programme and I've been 3 times already this week and I pushed myself to go for a swim after.

A long term goal is just what I needed.  And to add to that goal, with it being the big 30 and I never do anything for my birthday, I decided on a BIG night out somewhere different than my local town 😀 

I'll keep you posted on my progress.

M x

A First....

So I share my journey constantly on my Instagram and decided to set up an account solely for my journey, didn't want to clog my personal followers with all my foodie pics, I know some people the that! 

It was this afternoon that I had an urge to post a recent before and after picture to my Facebook.  I'm always sceptical about doing it because I don't want people to think I'm blowing my own trumpet, but do you what, I don't care!!  I'm bloody proud of how far I've come.  I have never got this far on any of my attempts before.  Why not share and be proud 😁

I'm glad I did, the comments I have received have left me feeling overwhelmed and have really spurred me on to reach my goal (see my other post!) 

Weigh day tomorrow, hope the scales are kind, done way more exercise that normal!

M x